The biggest launch event KTM has planned all year will take place in India. November 14, 2024, is when the event is set to take place. The 1390 Super Adventure, the 890 Adventure R, and the 1390 Super Duke R is likely to be at the event. The name will be back in the big bike market in India
Earlier, in the last week of October, the company started taking reservations for the 890 Adventure R, 1390 Super Duke R, and 1390 Super Adventure in the country.
Also, new stories say the company will open its first main store in India. It might be in Bengaluru, since a dealership there just finished a major renovation project. This also makes me think that the new bike launches are coming to the country. The big bikes that we think will come out in the next two weeks could be shown off in the shop.
The Indian market will get the new KTM bikes with big fuel tanks as complete units, which suggests that they will cost a lot.
Additionally, the bike company plans to show off its bigger Duke and Adventure models at this year’s India Bike Week. Up to 5 lakh rupees will be needed to book these types. There will probably be deliveries of KTM bikes starting in January 2025, after the news on November 14 and the show at India Bike Week
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